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Course Detail

Abacus Brain Development

Abacus Skill Development

Abacus is an ancient 2000 yr. old calculating system, and was invented in China. Now it is used for over all brain development of children. The Fundamental of Abacus is based on the usage of hands. If a person uses his right hand the left brain gets activated, and when the person uses his left hand his right brain is activated. As a result left and right brain activation together children develop comprehensively. Subsequently the child will be taught to visually mentally. It improves concentration, memory observation power and develops imagination and creative thinking which leads to enhanced confidence.

This is a unique brain development program, where we nurture the children’s brain to develop some of the foundation skills for learning such as Memory, Visualization, Concentration, Listening Skills, Learning Ability, Creativity, Self Confidence, Speed & Accuracy, etc.,

Syllabus based on school curriculum

Master Mind Abacus classes offer a specialized course, that is proven as a “Brain Development Program” for children. It is a boon for kids as it enables them not only to learn to do mental maths but also to utilize all functions of both left and right brain. We at Master Mind work in accordance with child’s psychology. We understand the importance of ‘play’ in a child’s life and implement playful methods in our lessons, so as to make their experience joyful and memorable translating into effective learning.

Master Mind abacus is a unique program designed keeping in mind the school curriculum. This has resulted into students not getting confused with the abacus, as with that of other companies. This also increases the adaptability of the students.

Play and Learn Method

We at Brainpower understand the child psychology. Children love to play, we encourage them to do so. Our R&D team has developed mathematical games, that enable students to practice mental arithmetic calculations through the feel of play. This gives the benefit of ancient methods of Abacus, merged with advance technology. This also helps the child to overcome the monotony of mathematics and Abacus.

Speed building software and online games

The speed building software is specially designed by Master Mind Abacus for children to enhance their speed and accuracy without giving any stress.

Exclusive course material

We have exclusive course material which is parent and student friendly. The syllabus in the book has been defined day wise for convenience of teachers, parents and Students.

Unique outcomes of the course

  • Mental Arithmetic
  • Speed Calculating technique
  • Improve memory and concentration power
  • Self confidence
  • Logical and analytical thinking power
  • Improves imaginary and visualization power

Latest Courses

We are associated with the fastest growing, children’s brain enhancement program in the world! With its advanced formula designed to meet the challenging demands of today’s young generation. We help the dreams of students come true. We offer a list of unique programs which cater to the development needs of our young learners.