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Course Detail

Arabic Communication Class

Arabic Communication

Arabic Classes for Students

Arabic Language Classes for the Children Level helps in Learning the Basics and Pronunciation of the Arabic Letters, Words with Proper meanings.

The Classes helps them in School Syllabus as well us the Concepts and Meaning of the Lesson given in the book.

Our Methodology

  • Subjects taught by the Native Arabic Speaker.
  • Classes are given to all Grades of Students.
  • The Grammar Parts of Arabic is also taken to the higher Grades.
  • Helps in Pronunciation, Speaking and Writing Part.
  • Classes can be taken in both English and Arabic as well.

Arabic Classes for Adults

The Classes have clear objectives that contribute to your overall progress and move you closer to achieving your individual language goals. We will give you structured learning tasks and guide you through the way to help you to improve your Arabic Language.

  • Understand and participate in interactions with other Arabic speaking persons.
  • Gain confidence in your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
  • Language is taught by highly qualified and experienced teachers.
  • Study intensively in a short period of time

Latest Courses

We are associated with the fastest growing, children’s brain enhancement program in the world! With its advanced formula designed to meet the challenging demands of today’s young generation. We help the dreams of students come true. We offer a list of unique programs which cater to the development needs of our young learners.